Tecnologie Meccaniche – November 2016

More and more solutions for the mechanical workshop

Wide offer, items ready ex-stock, good service and communication: Gerardi has been working for years to ensure to all its customers a complete proposal under all aspects.

Tecnologie Meccaniche – Marzo 2016


“Gerardi production is more and more enriching through the years: in addition to modular vises, tombstones and Zero point system, there are also driven tools, angle heads and more “

Seminar Clamping – (Thailand)

Workholding Efficency Training

“Gerardi on the way to South East Asia”


Meccanica News – March, 2016

Sales Marketing Manager Ivano Gerardi Jr. Interview at Mecspe 2016

“Mecspe exhibition has a great relevance to us as it has developed over the years and amplified the number of visitors and exhibitors”

Tecnologie Meccaniche – March 2016

Key Players in Tooling

“Gerardi production has enhanced over the years : beginning with modular vises, cubes and Zero Point systems up to recent updates in terms of driven tools, angle heads and many more items.
Anyhow, the supply of services remains the main key to the real success of these products as well as of  Gerardi enterprise “

Utensili e Attrezzature – April 2016

Gerardi Zero Point System

“Machine set up times is a key issue of  mechanical enterprises.
Timing optimization as an increase of the productivity is definitely a goal of Zero Point modular system”

Meccanica & Automazione – December 2015

Gerardi is on Top (SOLID)

The partnership between the main Italian manufacturer of workholding solutions and angle heads and the French industry that produces softwares marks a change in the production of the company located in the Varese area.

This is not only a nice story of two different entrepreneurial realities: this co-operation helped both companies to improve their competitive skills in their respective fields.


IT – The Journal of Machine Tools – June 2013



Gerardi do Brasil di Americana (SP) is the recent Brazilian branch of Gerardi S.p.A. Italian company founded in 1971 by Ivano Gerardi Senior (CEO in charge)  increasingly oriented towards foreign markets (which already today correspond to
almost 70% of the total turnover).

Germany, Russia, North America, France and Great Britain are the main markets of the specialized company, leader in Europe, in the design and manufacturing of
innovative solutions in the piece clamping industry.


Confartigianato Interview – Nov. 2015


“The World in one Vise”


Nowadays , with its Modular Vises and Angular Heads for machine tools , Gerardi is a reference point for the whole mechanical sector: a synonym of efficiency, accuracy and reliability.
When its founder “laid the foundation stone” in 1971, only a few would have imagined the exponential success of this enterprise born from the intuition and willpower of one man, Mr. Ivano Gerardi.

by Confartigianato